Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Don't let a bad day...

Happy Labor Day!  I hope everyone's had a great holiday weekend!  

John and I spent the majority of the weekend repainting our master bathroom (correction: John spent the majority of the weekend repainting our master bathroom).  It started as a dark mauve/purple color.  I didn't totally mind the color but John hated it!  He said it looked very old-ladyish, haha.  I sorta am an old lady so that's probably why it never bothered me :)

Anyways, we painted it a light grey.  It looks amazing.  A million times better than I expected.  Thanks, love <3 Pictures to come soon!!

So, today's encouragement is in regards to having a bad day.  We all have them.  I have to remind myself that just because I have a bad day that results in feeling depressed, fighting with my husband, not sleeping, and everything and anything in between, my life is not bad.  Bad days will happen, and it's important not to let them get the best of me.  

My mom always advises me to write a "Thankful" list.  Here's mine for today:

  • My husband who provides for me and Camdyn
  • Camdyn's adorable smiles and laughs
  • A beautiful home to call our own
  • My dad for changing my oil and inviting us over for dinner twice this weekend
  • My sister for helping out so much with Camdyn and being a great friend to me
When you stop and think about it, life is pretty good.  The ability to breathe and walk is a gift.  Life is so short, so it's important to try and make the best of it and be happy with what you have (I'm mostly speaking to myself here, but I hope I'm encouraging someone else as well).

So now I ask: What is it that you are thankful for?


Amanda said...

I'm thankful for having a successful first day at my new job. Let's see some pictures of the newly painted room :) I'm glad you like writing as much as I do.

Kendra said...

love that quote! :)

Megan B.B. said...

I just painted our master bedroom grey, and think it looks so chic! Totally my favorite "neutral" color. Can't wait to see pics!
Megan @ thememoirsofmegan.com